The impact of the eggs, thrown from a moving Toyota Highlander SUV raised welts on a jogging woman's arm on Washington Street that was also pelted with eggs at around 8:30 p.m. according to police. The jogger and the driver, who wished to press charges, said they didn't know what the hurled object was until each found the cracked shells. Shortly after, a second person called the police to report eggs had been thrown through the open window of her car.
The woman told the eggs hit the headrest of her children's car seat where one of her infants had been sitting just minutes before. She momentarily lost control of her vehicle but was more upset that one of her 7-month-old twins would have likely been hurt if they were still in the car. There was also a report of three walkers on Diamond Street being hit with eggs.
Sgt. John Carmichael spotted the truck at the intersection of Stone and School streets. Officers contacted their parents. Deputy Chief Scott Bushway wouldn't categorize it as a prank and that throwing eggs at a person is an act of stupid stuff pranks ideas. The police categorized the eggs as dangerous weapons because of the marks they made.
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-Stinky Steven-