But when the cops caught up with the apparent bad guys, they let them go. It turns out that the group were just goofing around and trying to pull off a stupid stuff pranks ideas. The four teens had a clown mask, gorilla suit, and air pistol and were pretending to abduct each other. With a cell phone camera they planned to place the video online for possibly a movie-making dream.
It was sheer panic for anyone not in the know. One mom saw the ending near Shoal Creek Elementary. No arrests were made and police said the boys weren't doing anything illegal, but their parents were called. I don't even know why kids would even think to do that, I guess to be funny, to get on YouTube," Cannon said. And if nothing else, an official warning to not try this at home
hahaha these were my friends i thought it was pretty fucking funny and you know what whoever called the cops are pretty fucking stupid get over it its a damn joke and you know what ill post this i ran from liberty police in a subie and got away cuz their cars are not as fast as mine anyways or they just cant figure out that they arent fast and dont know how to drive jesus this is dan......
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-Stinky Steven-