The television was placed at a borough curb for trash pickup, and the teens picked it up and took it to the school. One of them climbed a fence and scaled a wall to get up onto the roof with the intention of lifting a 20-inch TV set to the roof using the rope. They thought the two alumni were trying to steal a television, to their surprise it was just a shocking pranks that they're trying to pull off to their former school. Thinking that it would be funny for the passers-by to see a tv set on top of the school roof.
The result of the prank attempt incident prompted a response from at least 10 officers from three towns to the school at 500 Macungie Ave. The alleged pranksters were caught in the act. Evidently, both teens admitted their roles in the prank were and cited for defiant trespass due to their stupid stuff pranks ideas.
A pranke gone bad.
Some of his former grade school classmates have speculated that the Cubs' failure ... known as something of a prankster and he might have thought the burglary ... Liberals kept to their old black-white view of the world in order to ...
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-Stinky Steven-