During the match in Texas, Beem played a funny stuff practical jokes on a Hazeltine member he knows only as "Virgil". The one of the few harmless car pranks began after Virgil and a friend parked their car in front of Beem's house. Knowing Virgil left the keys in the car, Beem arranged for a neighbor to take the car and park it down the street in a garage.
When Virgil mentioned he left the keys in the car, Beem let loose. "Are you stupid? Dude, your car's halfway to Mexico right now. I'm sorry, but it's in a chop shop. You've got no car." Virgil looked outside. No car.
"He friggin' lost it," Beem said, laughing. "He thought his car was in the middle of Mexico in a chop shop. He was panicking. I made him sweat for half an hour and I said, 'Dude, it's across the street in my buddy's garage.' It was pretty funny."
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-Stinky Steven-