In SORORITY ROW, Partridge plays Megan, a feisty and sort of the sassy member in a group sorority girls. In the story her character boyfriend Garrett cheated on her, so naturally all the sorority girls wanted to get back on him. Because in the sorority row, if a member was cheated on, all the sisters of the sorority also got cheated on. So they decide to play some pranks ideas on an unsuspecting friend. Naturally, the pranks they tried to pull off went fatally wrong.
Even if she's still filming "The Hills" up to end of December for it's fourth season, she'd still go back and forth to shoot for the "Sorority Row". Since her involvement in this movie might affect her real life role in the reality show, the producers decided not to bring or show that part of her life in "The Hills". She said it's hard for her not to share it with the fans and bring them along her Hollywood journey, which is the main reason for her to move to LA since acting was her long passion and love in the first place.
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-Stinky Steven-