It was the end of May when someone pulled this prank at York Hotel. The clerk told authorities she pulled the alarm because she got a call from somebody posing as an employee of the alarm company that the hotel's using and told her to set it off. The prankster directed her to go to a company site to know on how to disable alarm system which ended up being a porno site.
The clerk was told she would get a $20,000 fine if she called the fire department for the false alarm. The caller then convinced both the clerk and a guest to break a window to stop the alarm. One of the guests even agreed to help break out the front window using his truck to do so.
The alarm still did not shut off. Finally, somebody called the fire department. Police said the prank is not funny. They are trying to figure out who is responsible. It is a call that could land somebody behind bars. There are reports of similar pranks being pulled in other states with some causing as much as $50,000 in damage. Damage to the Hampton Inn was around $300. Police said the person responsible could be charged with a misdemeanor and spend up to 1 year in jail.
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-Stinky Steven-