Fire Lt. Tom McQuade said that a device similar to a smoke bomb was set off in a theater playing "I Love You, Man". It seems someone was trying to pull of a stupid stuff prank. He said it was fortunate there were no injuries involved in the incident and that the smoke did not cause moviegoers to panic. Firefighters in the theater discovered thick smoke that hung in the air like fog, according to McQuade.
After most of the smoke was cleared from the theater, firefighters cleared the cinema at about 10 p.m. and turned control back over to Regal Cinemas staff. The staff elected to close that particular theater down for the night and open up the rest.
Some evidence was recovered at the scene, and that Newington police are investigating the incident. An employee at the cinema said questions about the incident would have to be directed to the corporate offices of Regal Cinemas.
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-Stinky Steven-