He simply called it a "mistake" as he referred to the planned criminal acts carried out by the underclassmen and graduating seniors.
Perpetrators that usually carried out such illegal deeds would have been arrested, fingerprinted, booked into the Hernando County Jail and subjected to the rigors of the court system. The perpetrators likely would have been sentenced to probation, assessed heavy fines, made to pay restitution and issued a large number of community service hours.
When the superintendent waived criminal prosecution, he told those responsible for the break-in and vandalism, as well as the other 17,000 students in Hernando County public schools, that it's just not that big of a deal when students burglarize and vandalize public property. After all, it was just an intended funny tees. A very expensive and shocking pranks to remember.
14 of those involved graduating senior students that perpetrated lesser vandalism will be allowed to walk across the stage at graduation. Though the graduating seniors won't be getting their diplomas until they complete 40 hours of community service at the schools. Still, Alexander has sent the wrong message and set a horrible precedent.
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-Stinky Steven-