On each succeeding decade the format has appeared on network, syndicated or cable television as either a regular show or a series of specials. Funt himself hosted or co-hosted almost all of the TV versions until a 1993 stroke from which he never recovered. Peter Funt, Allen Funt's son , who had co-hosted the specials with his father since 1987, is now the head producer/host of the format.
The premise of the funny pranks and practical jokes humor show is based on putting real people in fabricated or unusual situations by filming through a concealed hidden camera. Sometimes ranging from office humor and pranks to april fools pranks such as using trick props, a desk with drawers that pop open when one is closed or a car with a hidden extra gas tank. Victims would be told the show's catch phrase, "Smile, you're on Candid Camera." after the joke is revealed.
The show was precursor and pioneer to the more recent wave of prank shows such as Punk'd, Girls Behaving Badly, Just For Laughs Gags, The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, Boiling Points, Trigger Happy TV, and Howie Do It.
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-Stinky Steven-