Although no one was hurt and no property was damaged in the overnight stunt Monday night or Tuesday morning, but still there was a cost attached both in money and manhours.
"Our senior prank hit our custodians the worst," said high school Principal Teresa McKenzie. "And we had to rent a lift from Wildcat Rental to get the tires off." Probably the same lift that the pranksters rented the night before, judging from the marks left on the sidewalk, said one former student.
Most schools have had senior pranks, but rarely are they destructive, officials said. Things like chickens and a pig inside schools were mentioned. Rogersville patrons still laugh about the 15-foot-tall Fiberglas steer that "somehow" got on the roof of the high school about 20 years ago.
Fair Grove High School Principal David Hunter said they'd had a few pranks down through the years. "Unfortunately, it's sometimes part of school, We try to discourage it ... and to not put us in a situation that would cause disciplinary action that would cause someone not to be able to graduate." said Hunter.
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did you realy have to rent a fork lift. i was thinking just climb up there.
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-Stinky Steven-