"It hurts, I can tell you that," Hackel said today.
The only signs that the camera had been altered were black electrical tape wrapped around part of the body and two small metal prongs, which emitted the shock when pressed against something.
The makeshift stun gun was found Monday at Dakota High School in Macomb Township, where an 18-year-old student zapped willing friends as a joke. Word got to school administrators, who confronted the student and confiscated the device.
Macomb County deputies tracked the device back to a 13-year-old who learned how to make it on YouTube.com. The 13-year-old had made several of the devices by the time he was tracked down, Hackel said. The teen's parents didn't know he'd been making them and "weren't very happy," he said.
Though neither student meant to cause real harm. Both teens could face felony and misdemeanor charges first for having an electronic weapon, then for bringing it near school property, the sheriff said.
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-Stinky Steven-