The witness gave police a description of the SUV and the license plate number. An officer contacted the registered owner, who said a 25 year old Karla K. Tallon, had the SUV. According to Sgt. Beam, Tallon denied knowing anything about the incident when police called her. Another officer ran different plate number combinations, in case they had the wrong number.
Later, officers went to talk to Tallon and eventually admitted to them that she and her passengers were re-enacting a scene from the TV series because they thought it would be funny pranks ideas. They tied a 19-year-old man's hands with speaker wire and put napkins in his mouth to simulate the prank, Beam said.
She was cited on suspicion of obstructing a government operation because the incident used up police resources for several hours. She was ticketed after allegedly re-enacting a prank from the TVshow "Jackass" which features people performing dangerous, crude, ridiculous and self-injuring stunts.
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-Stinky Steven-