On his last visit, he had been in a rush to get to the toilet because of the food he had eaten the day before. Apparently, unaware and unlucky he happened to seat on the cubicle where some pranksters placed some strong adhesive glue. The man became stuck to the seat where he yelled out to another toilet user to raise the alarm. He had to be rescued from the toilet by emergency services and was taken to Cairns Base Hospital where he spent about 90 minutes as the seat was removed using industrial strength solvents.
Meanwhile, Cairns Regional Council community safety committee chair Di Forsyth hit out at the offenders and called for members of the public to help identify them. The council was disgusted that a gentleman has had to go through that because someone thinks it's funny, which indeed is a sick joke. It's it's quite a dangerous prank that could lead for some of the community to be outraged on it.
Attention, incoming college students: the bar has been set! Top 3 Best College Pranks of All Time
Sucks for him.
Thats a sticky situation.
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-Stinky Steven-