Matt starts telling a story that a week prior to his arrival at the Venice Film. He has no idea Brad Pitt was out promoting Inglorious Basterds when an overseas journalist asked him when he and Angelina Jolie will decide to settle down. So Brad ended up pulling a hilarious joke that he and Angie will only get married if "George and his partner can legally do so."
So when the same Italian journalist came and ask Matt "is it true what Brad say?". Having no clue, he just went on and said "Yeah, of course it's true". When the journalist asked 'Do you mean George Clooney have a boyfriend?' tried keeping a straight face and went on to sat "Yeah, of course he's got a boyfriend. ‘And he wants to legally marry him?' We've been on him about this for years..."
It's "harmless little joke" as Matt calls it with Dave and told the he's pretty sure that Clooney is still laughing about it. Pitt, Clooney and Damon are known to be good friends who often joke and play pranks on each other. Now, we have to wonder if George Clooney is behind the Damon death rumors, or if he has something else up his sleeve.
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-Stinky Steven-