As with his previous smash-hit film, Borat, Cohen's real game is to sucker people into elaborate set-ups and outrage them, capturing their reactions on camera. Cohen's comedy is based on cruelty and embarrassment. He has no interest in observing human behaviour or in his victims sharing the joke afterwards. Cohen relies so heavily on deception to get people to sign releases demonstrates that he is untroubled by ethics.
Cohen set up 30 fake companies on the internet to trick people into participating in what they thought was a straight documentary. And while Brüno's stint as a misbehaving extra on the set of Medium is supposedly real, it's too obviously staged. It seems he will even stop to lying to his fans and search hard for his laughs.
The 83 minutes of Borat was culled from an astonishing 400 hours of footage. It's highly likely the 81 minutes of Brüno was distilled from a similar pool of raw video. Such an astronomical shooting ratio suggests that Cohen's laughs are due more to luck than any real skill.
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-Stinky Steven-